Interview – Schnipo Schranke
Schnipo Schranke are Friederike Ernst and Daniela Reis, born in 1989 and 1988. Two women are to run at the Music Academy in Frankfurt on the way. Two outsiders of flute and cello, the study of classical music quickly turns…
Interview – Gengahr
Gengahr create effortlessly smooth and melodic indie-rock that meanders along a laidback sun-kissed path. With a sound that could easily stem from influences drawn from icons such as The Smiths and Modest Mouse, to the more recently revered Unknown Mortal…
Interview – Alasdair Roberts
Alasdair Roberts is a musician (primarily a guitarist and singer) who is based in Glasgow Scotland. He has worked with Drag City Records since 1997, firstly releasing three albums of self-written material under the name Appendix Out and then several…
Interview – Chris Imler
Chris Imler is always where it’s happening, also in his 50ies. And things are happening quite a bit on his solo debut which Chris kept us waiting for for decades. Decades which he spent as an energy working on drums,…
Interview – Mile Me Deaf
“Mile Me Deaf are delivering fuzzy lo-fi tunes with a quirky twist without taking themselves all too serious. Wolfgang Möstl is the genius you’ve never heard of. No matter how hip with the buzz-blogs you are, there’s a good chance…
Interview – Ghostpoet
“Explicitly personal insights have become wider perspectives: after 2013’s ‘Some Say I So I Say Light’ LP purged London-based Obaro Ejimiwe of lingering spectres born of a relationship breakdown, ‘Shedding Skin’ allows him to refocus on what he loves: sitting,…
Interview – Cid Rim
“The world of Cid Rim circles around the boundless magic and mythical formulas of funk. When speaking of his influences and musical socialisation, the 28 year old viennese producer and drummer ends in the 70ies of the past century. Think…
Interview – Vague
“Die 1990er feierten in den letzten zwei Jahren nicht nur in der Modewelt ein großes Comeback. Grunge, Garage Rock und Lo Fi wurden auch wieder an populär. Natürlich haben sich auch neue Bands gefunden, die jenen Genres frisches Leben einhauchen…
Interview – Nowhere Train
Eigentlich ist der Nowhere Train eine Band, die es gar nicht geben kann. Ein Gegensatz durch und durch. Eine Fleisch gewordene Unmöglichkeit. Paradoxon per se. Sie sind ALLE Alphatiere. Jeder Einzelne ist es gewohnt, in seinem jeweiligen Hauptprojekt den Ton…
Interview – Isolation Berlin
Die Trostlosigkeit hat uns zusammengeführt, wir sind versunken in der Isolation Berlin. Vier gebrochene Herzen, die die Wogen der Großstadt wie Abfallprodukte der Spaßgesellschaft in die rauchigsten Bars der Stadt geschwemmt hat. Wo wir das Fassbier gierig wie halb verhungerte…