Baths is the electronic music project of Will Wiesenfeld. A funny and smart boy which now lives California. Only as an example how hard the way to get well known in North America is the fact that during his tour…
She began with painting. Now she paints sounds. We are talking here of the music project Grimes by Claire Boucher. The Montreal version of Soap & Skin 😉

They have long been in the business. We are talking here of the couple Jace Lasek and Olga Goreas, possible similarities with Arcade Fire, should be avoid here. Rock `n ‘roll which test and explores , that is the meal…
They were written Suuns but pronounced correctly as (Soons). The music is the medium which characterizes this band from Montreal. The voice of the lyrics are seen more as a momentum. Perhaps the next major contender for the world’s stages?…
Kollektiv Turmstrasse from Hamburg for years a fix part in the club scene of Europe. Now they had their first appearance in North America in Montreal during the Igloofest in front of a cheerful crowd and gave afterwards a very…
Isolée indeed an important person in the german minimal scene and now on Dj Koze’s new label (Pampa Records) . He graced the tech scene in Montreal at the annual Igloofest. Have fun with an entertaining interview partner 🙂
Immediately you don’t think about minimal-techno in Toronto but there is despite Berlin still a small fine scene. One of their representatives is Egyptrixx. Have a good time with a “gentleman” who has not started directly with techno 🙂
New Stuff from Montreal, originally from Calgary. From the Label of the Women environment, they are now in Montreal and become and not even undeservedly kind of “small scene gods”. Have fun with 50% of the band during the interview…
Gothenburg has a lot to offer, alongside Jose Gonzales, the group Little Dragon is more dedicated to the electronic / pop. Have fun with the gentlemen and the lady from the far north.
Almost five years ago they have become acquainted with wild guitar riffs, now they became more soft and poppy. At least the average age of the listeners is reasonably young and female 😉 Have Fun!